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books books books - 3 to read

For as much as I immerse myself in fiction, deeply empathizing with protagonists and often shedding a few tears, a few months will pass and the title will be forgotten. When people ask me for suggestions, I tend to offer a vague idea of the plot. So here are three titles to remember.

A few weeks ago I finished reading Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. It is a book for people with an open mind and a rebellious spirit. What is completely baffling is that it is based on a TRUE story. If you don't believe me, and I will admit to being a skeptic at first, visit the website and read "Author Facts" at Your resumé will seem downright uneventful in comparison to Roberts' armed robberies, escape from prison, involvement in the Bombay mafia, career as a Bollywood casting agent... but I won't give too much away.

I could barely sleep last night because I was nearing the end of Hotel at the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. I will admit to being a bit of sook and I cried (tears of sadness and joy) through the second half of the novel. I have a soft spot for historically significant World War II fiction...discrimination, adversity, lost opportunity. Overall, I think it is especially important for Americans to reflect on the Japanese internment, which is often skimmed over in US history courses...

Lastly, I think it is important to not take reading too seriously. A good dose of the Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris, more widely known for being the titles behind the True Blood series on HBO, should do the trick. Sookie is an incredible heroine - sweet, charming and tougher than nails.


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